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Metal Roofing Info What is the best color for a metal roof? Finding the right coating for your roof can be tough. Deciding on the right color finish for a metal roof can be an even harder choice. If you find yourself in a color-picking dilemma, there’s no need to...

About Endwall Install

You want to have a finished, crafted look when all is said and done for your installation. There are some particular areas that need special attention to guarentee a positive result. One such area is the endwall area, should your project require endwall trim. Here's...

Tax Exempt? No problem! Here’s how to order…

Tax Exempt? No problem. There are three easy steps before placing your order to take advantage of your Tax Exempt status. If you already have a customer account set up, just go to the second step. First, from our main menu, go to “My Account” under “My Orders,” then...

Install Metal Roof over Shingle Roof?

One question we are often asked is –“Can you install metal roofing over shingles?” The answer is, YES!   One big advantage to metal roofing is that it is light weight, which makes it the perfect material to be installed over an existing shingle roof. However,...

Metal Roofs vs Shingle Roofs

Metal Roofs Vs Shingles If you are in the roofing stage of your building, then this question may have crossed your mind at least once. With the hype about metal roofs increasing daily, you would want to know if you should stick with the traditional look of shingles or...

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